Caring for Your Wool Area Rug – Our Guide
Starting with proper care for your new wool area rug will ensure it remains beautiful for years to come. Our care guide provides simple yet effective tips to help maintain quality and appearance. From brushing techniques during the initial weeks to protecting against sunlight and stains, following these guidelines will keep your rug looking its best. Whether you’re dealing with stray tufts, spills, or static, these tips will make maintenance a breeze.
Brush carefully in the beginning
New area rugs need time for the fibres to ‘bed down’ on average for 8 weeks after purchase, or maybe longer depending on the usage. However they may be brushed by hand or with a carpet sweeper in the direction of the pile, during that period. After that time maintaining your new rug is easy and it will repay you by keeping its good looks if you vacuum regularly.
Cut stray tuft with a scissors; don't pull
If you find a stray tuft sprouting from the surface of your rug, do not pull it out. The offending tufts should be trimmed carefully with scissors to the level of the surrounding pile.
All cut pile rugs will lose short fibre, which is created during production when spun yarn is cut for tuft formation. These fibres fall onto the surface of the pile and appear as fluff. This may be removed without detriment to your rug by vacuum cleaning.
Keep it out of direct sunlight if possible
Carpets made from wool may fade in use. Fading is generally caused by ultra violet light that is found in daylight, but is accelerated when the sun shines directly onto the rug. This has the affect of bleaching the colors. Protection should be given to a rug exposed to such conditions just as you would to other fabrics.
Go with the direction of the pile
Shading can occur if the pile becomes crushed or brushed in a different direction to the natural lie of the pile. This causes light reflection at different angles resulting in light and dark patches on the rug.
Keep it in a humid environment
Static Electricity can build up if the atmosphere in a room is dry; keeping humidity high can counteract this. Static is more usually associated with synthetic materials but it can and does occur with wool.
How do I remove stains?
You should act immediately if something is accidentally spilled onto your rug as action minimizes damage to the pile and reduces the need for intensive cleaning at a later date.
As a natural and highly durable fibre wool is one of the easiest fibres from which to remove stains, but care needs to be taken nevertheless.
What should I do in case of spillage?
Blot up clear water with a clean cloth or towel and dry as quickly as possible. Do not rub.
Grease-based stains may be removed with carpet cleaners that are readily available from most stores.
Remove using a recommended solvent such as white spirits or a turpentine substitute, in small measure.
Are wool area rugs fire-proof?
While wool is one of the most flame-resistant fibres available, naked flames, cigarettes, hot coals etc. will damage your rug if they come into contact with the pile.
How do I protect against slipping?
The use of an ‘anti rug creep’ product is recommended to stop rugs from moving, particularly if using on a highly polished surface such as a timber or marble floor. Anti-slip pads are inexpensive and can be found at your local hardware store.